C. Home Amongst the Gum Trees

A suburban pedestrian corridor is woven through apartments, townhouses and common areas across this string of four sites crossing two blocks in Ashfield. Raised boardwalks and pathways, woven around monumental eucalypts that have been preserved, create the vegetated corridor. These trees are the defining theme of each development: they are locations for outdoor common areas, provide privacy, and are the outlooks from dwellings in the narrower sections of site.


A mix of 25 dwellings are arranged along a public pedestrian path that passes through the four sites. Kitchens and living areas are located on the path side to allow casual interaction between neighbours, while private areas are tucked away. Four townhouses can be split into dual-key dwellings, providing flexibility, enticing long-term residents. All dwellings look to the street, path and communal spaces formed around mature gum trees. To have an edge over conventional infill in Ashfield, a density of around R80 is required.

Site info

Number of Dwellings: 25
Site Area: 3,563 m2 over 4 lots


Sophie Giles, Amber Martin, Felix Joensson, Yangyan Ou and Samantha Dye with Hootan Golestani from Golestani Developments


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